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Introduction: Kairos Revisited: God's Timing

As we find ourselves at the midpoint of 2024, it's a poignant moment to reflect on the journey thus far and to recalibrate our hearts and minds towards God's perfect timing. Welcome to "Kairos Revisited: God's Timing," a special devotional series designed to recalibrate our minds surrounding the profound truths within God's appointed times in our lives.

Reflecting on Our 2024 Rhema Word

At the beginning of this year, many of us received a "rhema" word—a specific, timely message from God—setting the course for our spiritual journey in 2024. Now, as we reach the midpoint, it's crucial to revisit and review how God's timing has been unfolding in our lives. Whether we've experienced moments of clarity and breakthrough or seasons of waiting and refinement, each step has been orchestrated by a loving and sovereign God.

Exploring God's Kairos Moments

Throughout this devotional series, we will explore the concept of "kairos" moments—God's appointed times for His divine interventions. These moments transcend mere chronological time; they are pivotal opportunities for us to encounter God's purposes, blessings, and transformative power. As we study Scripture and reflect on personal testimonies, we'll learn how to recognize, respond to, and wait expectantly for God's Kairos moments.

Why Focus on God's Timing?

Understanding and aligning with God's timing is foundational to our faith journey. It teaches us patience, perseverance, and trust in His wisdom and sovereignty. By revisiting our 2024 rhema word and reflecting on God's timing, we realign our hearts with His purposes, allowing Him to lead us into what is to come in the remaining months of the year with renewed faith and expectancy.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite you to join us on this journey of exploration and revelation. Together, let's dive deep into the lessons of patience, faith, discernment, and trust that God's timing teaches us. May this mid-year review of our 2024 rhema word be a time of spiritual growth, renewal, and anticipation of God's continued faithfulness in our lives.

Stay tuned for our first installment of "Kairos Revisited: God's Timing," where we will explore the foundational truths of God's sovereignty and eternal perspective. Let's embark on this journey together, seeking deeper intimacy with our Heavenly Father as we align our lives with His perfect timing.