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Week 1: Overcoming Grief

1. Acknowledge Your Grief
Scripture: Psalm 34:18 (NLT) - "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
Reflection: Grief is a heavy burden, and the first step in overcoming it is to fully acknowledge and embrace your feelings. Denying or suppressing your grief only prolongs the pain. By accepting your sorrow, you open yourself up to God's healing presence. This acceptance is not about forgetting or minimizing the loss but about honoring the depth of your emotions and inviting God's comfort into your life.

Practice of Acknowledgement: Set aside dedicated time each day for self-reflection. Write in a journal about your feelings, memories, and experiences related to your grief. This practice helps you process your emotions and serves as a tangible way to acknowledge your pain. Putting your thoughts into words creates a space for God's healing to work in your life. In a world where pressing through pain is normalized, we fail to acknowledge the tears and bloodshed in our mourning. In an earthly context, enough tears and blood loss can cause dehydration. Dehydration causes thirst; without proper acknowledgment, we fail to identify the portion of our life that needs watering.  

2. Seek Comfort in Prayer
Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) - "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
Reflection: Prayer is a direct line to God’s comfort and strength. Bringing your grief before Him in prayer allows you to cast your burdens on the Lord and invite His peace into your heart. This peace transcends all understanding, providing a calm reassurance amidst the storm of your emotions.

Practice of Commemoration: Create a prayer journal where you record your thoughts, prayers, and feelings. Each day, write out your concerns and requests for God's strength and comfort. Include expressions of gratitude for what He has already done. Review your entries regularly to witness the ways God has provided peace and guidance throughout your journey.

3. Lean on Community
Scripture: Galatians 6:2 (NLT) - "Share each other’s burdens, and in this way, obey the law of Christ."
Reflection: Grief often isolates us, but community can offer vital support and encouragement. By reaching out to friends, family, or a faith community, you invite others to share in your burden and provide practical help and emotional support. This mutual sharing of grief strengthens bonds and reflects the love of Christ in tangible ways.

4. Embrace Healing Practices
Scripture: Isaiah 61:1 (NLT) - "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."
Reflection: Healing from grief often involves engaging in activities that facilitate emotional and spiritual recovery. Practices like journaling, counseling, or creative expression allow you to process your emotions and begin the journey towards healing. These tools can help you experience God's restorative work in your life.

Pouring from your spirit:  Consider setting aside time each week for activities such as art, music, or writing. For example, you might create a scrapbook of memories or engage in expressive art to symbolize your healing journey. These activities offer a safe outlet for your emotions and encourage personal and spiritual growth. Often, we set aside our hobbies as things outside of what we do for God, but when we live a spiritual life God penetrates every area in of life. Through His spirit, God usher healing through our activities.

5. Hold onto Hope
Scripture: Romans 15:13 (NLT) - "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."
Reflection: Even in the depths of grief, holding onto hope in God's promises can provide strength and comfort. This hope is not merely wishful thinking but a confident expectation based on God’s character and His plans for your future. Trusting in His promises can fill your heart with peace and joy, guiding you through the darkest times.

Practice of Building Faith: Develop a routine of reading and meditating on Scripture that speaks to God's promises and hope. Create a broad, voice memo, or note in your phone where you display or recite verses, quotes, and reminders of God’s faithfulness and future restoration. These will serve as visual and audio anchors to remind you of God’s promises and to sustain your hope through times of grief.


As we journey through the initial stages of grief in Week 1, we begin to understand the profound and multifaceted nature of our sorrow. Grief is an intricate process that impacts us deeply, often challenging our emotional and spiritual foundations. By embracing the practices outlined for this week, we embark on a path toward healing that integrates our faith and fosters spiritual resilience.

Acknowledging Your Grief invites us to face our pain head-on, recognizing that denial or suppression only extends our suffering. By setting aside time each day to reflect and journal about our grief, we engage in a deliberate practice of acknowledging our emotions. This process helps us connect more deeply with God’s healing presence. As we recognize and validate our sorrow, we allow God's comfort to seep into the areas of our hearts that need it most. Just as we would tend to physical wounds to prevent infection, acknowledging our emotional wounds allows us to seek the restoration that God offers.

Seeking Comfort in Prayer provides a direct channel to God’s peace and reassurance. Through the practice of creating a prayer journal, we engage in a strength training regimen that brings our grief and requests before God daily. This consistent communication not only helps us articulate our needs but also reinforces our trust in His ability to provide peace that surpasses understanding. Prayer becomes a grounding force, a lifeline that connects us to divine comfort and strength amid our distress.

Leaning on Community reminds us that grief does not have to be faced in isolation. By reaching out to friends, family, and our faith community, we invite others to share in our burden and offer their support. This mutual exchange fosters a sense of belonging and shared humanity that reflects Christ’s love. Community support acts as a practical embodiment of Galatians 6:2, where the collective effort to carry each other's burdens reinforces our faith and strengthens our connections. It goes beyond the surface and ushers in the spirit of accountability and healing beyond trauma.

Embracing Healing Practices encourages us to engage in activities that promote emotional and spiritual recovery. Whether through journaling, counseling, or creative expression, these practices allow us to channel our grief constructively and facilitate healing. By dedicating time to creative outlets, such as art or music, we invite God’s restorative power into our lives. These activities become a way to process our emotions and connect with God’s healing grace, turning our grief into a platform for personal and spiritual growth.

Holding onto Hope anchors us in the promises of God, even during the most challenging times. By developing a routine of reading and meditating on Scripture that speaks to hope and restoration, we reinforce our faith in God's ultimate plan. These practices of building faith serve as constant reminders of God’s unwavering promises and His ability to bring joy and peace into our lives. This hope is not a mere sentiment but a powerful force that sustains us through grief, guiding us towards a future filled with His grace and renewal.

As we navigate the initial stages of grief this week, these reflections and practices will shape our approach to sorrow. They are not just temporary solutions but foundational steps that help us integrate our faith into our grieving process. By embracing these practices, we prepare ourselves to carry the light of Christ through our darkest moments, transforming our grief into a testament of God’s enduring presence and love. Through this journey, we not only seek healing but also become beacons of hope, sharing the comfort and strength we have found in Christ with others who are on a similar path.